МОСКВА, 29 дек — РИА Новости. Москве неизвестно о пересмотре новыми властями Сирии договоров о российских военных базах в стране, обращений от Дамаска по этому поводу не поступало, сообщил в интервью РИА Новости министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров.
Russia has not been informed of any plans by the Syrian government to review existing agreements concerning Russian military bases in Syria.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov stated that Russia is unaware of any such work being done by the Syrian authorities and has received no official communications on the matter.
He explained that the current political climate in Syria, with a "transitional period" leading up to March 1, 2025, and a "temporary" government, likely restricts the government's ability to make significant policy changes, including reviewing international agreements.
Russia has not been informed of any plans by the Syrian government to review existing agreements concerning Russian military bases in Syria. Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov stated that Russia is unaware of any such work being done by the Syrian authorities and has received no official communications on the matter. He explained that the current political climate in Syria, with a "transitional period" leading up to March 1, 2025, and a "temporary" government, likely restricts the government's ability to make significant policy changes, including reviewing international agreements.